Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Liked by Ryan Peterman

If you want to learn something in deep then try to explain it to others. This is the famous advice from one of the most famous Nobel Prize winning Physicists Richard Feynman. So, writing something with the intention of communicating it to others is the best way to get to know it better yourself first. And you'll be surprised how little you knew about it!

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Agreed 100%!

I often find my writing is so disorganized when I don't know a topic well; Writing is a great way to get a deeper understanding

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Totally agree. When trying to break down complex ideas into logical structure you also detach yourself from your "box" and your perspective and this can bring you new valuable insights. And often does when I do it.

Crafting public documents is also a high leverage activity and can bring you a lot of recognition in the organisation if you do it well.

I started writing on substack too, with one of the goals to improve as a writer, but also that's a different type of writing than I do at my engineering job and I think I'm enjoying it so far

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Welcome to Substack!

> that's a different type of writing than I do at my engineering job and I think I'm enjoying it so far

Agreed, I noticed that at work people need to read my writing so that we get work done. Public writing on the other hand requires me to think about how to capture people's attention since it is optional for them to read. Eventhough they are different, I think this line of thinking has improved my writing at work as well.

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Jan 7Liked by Ryan Peterman

> The better you are at writing, the more effective you will be at building software.

I love this. Writing is distilling all your thoughts into an organized structure that others can understand. So is coding. 🔥

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Ryan Peterman

Writing improves understanding, along with jogging, and maybe even eating healthier. Great read! Thank you.

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Feb 18Liked by Ryan Peterman

Well written. I work at Amazon where writing is encouraged a lot. Past 2 years I have learned the importance of writing.

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Aug 5Liked by Ryan Peterman

Came across this article today and I must say that the conciseness and clarity of thoughts were surreal. Felt so rich to read it out.

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Jan 2Liked by Ryan Peterman

Just starting off. Thanks for this.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Ryan Peterman

Appreciate it, Thank you!

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This article was brilliant. Technical writing is a difficult skill to develop. I'm a structural engineer and it's a big part of my job. Sometimes it feels nebulous, like you can't quite describe something in the way that you want. But once you read a clear, succinct explanation for a complex concept, it unlocks a hidden layer of understanding. Good writing is the backbone of everything I've ever learned.

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Thank you James! Agreed, writing leads to deeper understanding

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Do you want to collab? I write AI Made Simple (150K+) and Tech Made Simple (25K+). Came across your work from Luca Rossi, and seems like we have synergistic audiences. Let me know if it interests you.

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Thanks for reaching out Devansh, I sent you an email

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I just started trying writing and it's helping me to put order on topics that I find complex in a coherent way, so it really helping me thinking better.

Very good article!

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Ryan Peterman

I like this a lot and definitely agree with the premise! My perspective is somewhat reversed - I was always drawn to the 'subjective' academic pursuits, and my first career was performing as a professional musician. When I made the transition to writing code, I noticed that thinking 'algorithmically' helped me communicate complex ideas with more nuance and clarity, both in written and in verbal form. This has been an asset so far in my second career as a software developer.

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Thank you for the inspiring post!

Consistent writing helps to improve my communication and thinking skills.

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Glad you liked it NK :)

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Writing will forever be important, I write and then ask ChatGPT to make it shorter, more readable or in list form. Either way, it is an exercise in gaining clarity.

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Agreed. ChatGPT helps me condense my original thought, which helps me gain clarity too

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May 2, 2023Liked by Ryan Peterman

I couldn’t agree more that writing is so important in collaborations. I learned a lot from you on technical writing during our collaboration.

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One of my favorite collaborations! Thank you for reading Jingzhou :)

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I love the collaboration and benefits of tools like Miro and Lucid. But, when it comes time to capture, writing a document seems to work best to finalize a concept. Why? Well, for me it helps identify hidden logic that may be missing from a conversation. It helps the information travel beyond the participants in the meeting, and it captures intent, debate, for others who may come into the project later who need to be brought up to speed. Writing is essential and high performance teams do this in my experience.

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Same for me. Thoughts gathered during a meeting are messy and often incoherent since they come from many minds. Producing a document afterward reduces them down to only what is essential

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